Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Baby Apron Bib

      I love Pinterest.  All the best things are on there.  This pin lead me to Craftiness Is Not Optional, and her pattern for a baby bib to beat all other baby bibs!  

     The pattern is just $ 6, and since I wanted to make some for us and some as a gift, that was no big deal.  I knew from babysitting for over a decade that this bib had some excellent potential, because it doesn't velcro (to be pulled off easily by small hands), or button (cute, but can be a pain), and it goes behind the baby's arms so that ideally the bib doesn't get pulled straight up quite as easily either.

     I went to JoAnn's armed with a coupon, but found that they had a sale on flannel for a much better deal than my coupon. Yay!  I definitely bought more flannel than I had intended to that day, haha.  The friend for whom I'm making this as a gift has a new foster daughter who is 8 months old, so I got some cute girly fabric, and also some gender neutral fabric since we didn't know what we're having. (I made mine essentially reversible, with flannel on both sides. The fronts are pink and green, with the cute brown on the back for both.)

     The pattern is easy to follow, and the bibs themselves are super quick! I was surprised how fast I was able to churn out three of them (in one night).  I love the results, and my friend reports that they work well for her little one, who's a messy eater to boot.

     My only comment on the pattern is that the binding you use for the outside edge really is 'too short' on purpose! It made me nervous, but after you try it, you realize it has to be shorter so that the bib curves on baby's shoulders the right way. If you made it longer, it would work, but would fit more loosely and thus not be as effective. See?

1 comment:

  1. Nice bibs! Well, for me this type of bib is better than the Velcro one and they really look cuter than the other bib. What I like about these bibs is their color and its style is so unique.
